Nebraska VR Where your future begins

Welcome to Nebraska VR For Students

Nebraska VR works with schools and other organizations across the state to help students plan for the future and prepare for careers that match their skills, abilities, and interests.

To meet the employment needs of students with disabilities, Nebraska VR provides pre-employment transition services which include:

  • Job Exploration
  • Work Readiness Training
  • Work-Based Learning Experiences
  • Post-Secondary Education Counseling
  • Instruction in Self-Advocacy

3 Steps to Get Started

  1. A parent or guardian, school staff member or other professional contacts Nebraska VR.
  2. The student and parent or guardian completes a Pre-Employment Transition Services Consent & Release form. (English | Spanish)
  3. The student meets with a Nebraska VR Pre-Employment Transition Services Coordinator to begin career exploration and work readiness activities.

Going Forward

Students meet individually and/or in groups with a Nebraska VR Pre-Employment Transition Services Coordinator throughout the school year. To learn about the world of work, students may participate in:

  • Career exploration
  • Exploring work accommodations
  • Post-secondary planning
  • Job search skill building
  • Work-based learning experiences
    • Job fairs
    • Informational interviews
    • Job shadows
    • Business tours
    • Work experiences
    • Participation in Project SEARCH

Services meet the needs of students today by preparing them for the careers of tomorrow. For example, you may:

  • Identify strengths, abilities, and capabilities for work and adult living.
  • Set goals for work and adult living.
  • Learn habits, attitudes, and behaviors for work and skills for adult living.
  • Participate in job exploration activities and community work experiences.
  • Explore post-secondary training options.

About Transition

Transition services represent the process young adults with disabilities go through to prepare for the future world of work. The goal is to identify education, training, employment or other options for the path ahead of you.

While your high school is primarily responsible to provide transition services while you are still in high school, Nebraska VR works with your teachers, parents, employers and other resources to ensure your career planning goes smoothly. Students can begin to work with Nebraska VR beginning at 14.

You, as a student, have a very important role in this process. You need to:

  • Get involved
  • Share information
  • Ask questions

If you are still in high school:

Ask your teacher or employment specialist to discuss Nebraska VR services with your family, and make an appointment to meet with the Nebraska VR counselor who visits your school.

If you are home-schooled or have left high school:

Contact your local Nebraska VR service office and make an appointment with a Nebraska VR counselor. A VR counselor will help you complete an application, gather information about your disability, discuss your career interests and goals, and talk about ways in which Nebraska VR might be able to help you.

For Schools »

An individualized plan with transition services is designed to accomplish the following:

  • Work with the student and his or her family to think about goals for life after high school and to develop a plan to get there.
  • Design the high school experience to ensure that the student gains the skills needed to achieve his or her desired goals for life after high school
  • Identify and link the student and family to any needed services, supports or programs before the student leaves the school system.

Nebraska Youth Leadership Council (NYLC)

The NYLC began in March 2009. We are a group of young leaders from across the entire state of Nebraska who want to make a difference in the lives of other students with disabilities. We believe that young people should have a voice in the things that affect them and hope to better the existing services provided to young people through our outreach efforts.

NYLC MISSION: “NYLC was created “by youth for youth”. We are leaders and advocates who experience a disability. We travel the state promoting disability awareness and educating our peers on transitioning to college or work.”

*Co-sponsored by the Nebraska Departments of Vocational Rehabilitation and Special Education.

NYLC Facebook Fan Page

NYLC Application

Connect with us!

Nebraska VR uses social media to share information about disability employment topics, client success stories, and community outreach.

Watch Pathway to Employment Video Series

The Pathway to Employment Video Series is designed to de-mystify the many services provided to clients and businesses while highlighting the innovation that is the culture of Nebraska VR. While certainly each story is either one of progress towards an employment goal or a client's employment goal success, they are also stories about the important role played by staff members, businesses, ATP, Easter Seals, Project SEARCH, and others. Go to:

Our Mission

We help people with disabilities, prepare for, obtain, and maintain employment while helping businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.

Contact Us

Nebraska VR
Nebraska Department of Education
Address: P.O. Box 94987, Lincoln, NE 68510
Telephone: 402-471-3644
Toll Free: 877-637-3422 or 877-NE-REHAB
FAX: 402-471-0788