Nebraska VR Where your future begins

Nebraska VR has two goals:

  1. To help you find skilled, qualified individuals to fill your vacancies
  2. To help people with disabilities gain or retain employment

For Businesses

Nebraska VR can add value to businesses and employers by addressing staffing challenges and needs. We provide the services of a staffing agency with a focus on placing qualified workers who face challenges entering or re-entering the workforce. This allows you to tap into an underutilized pool of talent plus benefit from additional incentives at no cost to you.

About Services

We will pre-screen and recommend qualified candidates, support you with employee training, help you identify valuable tax benefits, and may even be able to provide a free trial employment period and other services. Nebraska VR can also help you retain current employees who come to have a disability due to an accident, illness, injury or addiction.

What business solutions does Nebraska VR provide? »

Nebraska VR Fact:

People who have disabilities are qualified, educated, productive, and engaged employees. Positive returns on investment, increased innovation and market opportunities further illustrate how it is good business to employ people who have disabilities.

Nebraska VR
Where your future begins

Business People Shaking Hands