A Business Account Manager or an Employment Specialist can assess your employee needs at the work place and make sure those needs are met. They work with employers and employees to accommodate people with disabilities. The goal is to help the employee be productive and fit into workplace culture while providing the employer with a quality employee.
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We can help you to tap into an underutilized pool of talent and benefit from additional incentives.
Nebraska VR
Where your future begins
Nebraska VR - Work In Nebraska
Contact a Business Account Manager for your business needs!
Questions? Please contact us!
The Pathway to Employment Video Series is designed to de-mystify the many services provided to clients and businesses while highlighting the innovation that is the culture of Nebraska VR. While certainly each story is either one of progress towards an employment goal or a client's employment goal success, they are also stories about the important role played by staff members, businesses, ATP, Easter Seals, Project SEARCH, and others. Go to: vr.nebraska.gov/videos/
Serving Scottsbluff and Surrounding Communities
Michael Enriquez / Program Director for Business Services
Email: michael.enriquez@nebraska.govv